Webinar: Let the Sun Shine In: How Churches and Colleges Can Save with Solar

Austin Carr, founder of Greenlink Energy Solutions, and Jim Keeling, partner at Hinshaw & Culbertson, will share insights from successful installations at Our savior Lutheran Church and Rockford University. Webinar participants will learn how institutions can harness the power of solar to save money and adopt sustainability. They will also learn how to navigate incentives, financing options, and inspire stakeholder engagement. 

Webinar Overview

  • Long-term benefits of rooftop solar installations for churches, universities, and other owner-occupied facilities, in terms of financial savings and environmental sustainability.
  • Upfront costs associated with installing solar.
  • Financing options for non-profit organizations like churches and universities.
  • How state and federal incentives like the Illinois Shines and the Inflation Reduction Act impact the financial feasibility of these projects.
  • How to effectively communicate the benefits of solar projects to various stakeholders within a church or university community, such as congregation members, board members, and employees.

Webinar Information

Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Time: 11:00am Central Time
Platform: Zoom Webinar